- 1. Small piece of an asteroid or comet and burns up in the earth's atmosphere.
- 4. This dwarf planet use to be called a planet.
- 6. The _________ Belt is found past Neptune and has many comets and some dwarf planets.
- 7. The first and smallest planet.
- 9. This dwarf planet is found in the asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.
- 16. The star at the center of our solar system.
- 17. The Asteroid _______ is found between mars and jupiter.
- 19. The 7th planet and rotates at a 90 degree tilt.
- 20. A planet _________ or revolves when it makes a path around the sun.
- 21. Small piece of an asteroid or comet and lands on the earth's surface.
- 23. These objects orbit around a planet.
- 28. These objects orbit the sun only, are sphere shaped, and clear their orbital path.
- 29. The last four planets from the sun. They are colder, larger, orbit sun slower, gas, have rings and more moons.
- 1. The 4th planet and is red with a tall mountain.
- 2. A planet _________ or spins when its axis. The earth does this every 24 hours.
- 3. The 5th Planet and is also the largest.
- 5. This is the largest object in a solar system and located in the center with everything orbiting around it. It is made of gas and gives off heat and light.
- 8. Large irregular shaped objects made of ice, dust and frozen gas. These get a vapor tail when they get close to the sun.
- 10. The 3rd planet and has a lot of liquid on surface.
- 11. The 6th planet and has the biggest rings.
- 12. The 2nd planet and warmest.
- 13. ___________ planets orbit the sun only, are sphere shaped but do NOT clear their orbital paths.
- 14. The first four planets from the sun. They are warmer, smaller, orbit sun faster, no rings, solid, and less moons.
- 15. Large irregular shaped objects made of rock and metal found between mars and jupiter.
- 18. The _______ Way is the name of the galaxy our solar system is in.
- 22. ______ is the amount of planets in our solar system. Before 2006 there were nine.
- 24. A __________ system is a star and everything that orbits around it.
- 25. The 8th planet and is the stormiest.
- 26. This is a group of billions of solar systems.
- 27. Small piece of an asteroid or comet and is found in space.