Solar System Review

  1. 4. Which planet is the largest?
  2. 5. During a lunar eclipse, what is in the middle and casts a shadow on the moon?
  3. 6. What causes planets to orbit the sun?
  4. 9. How many planets are in our solar system?
  5. 11. What is the shape of the orbit for planets?
  6. 13. What do the planets orbit around?
  7. 15. Which is actually called a dwarf planet now?
  8. 16. Which planet is 7th farthest away from the sun?
  9. 17. What is the name of our galaxy? (2 wds)
  10. 19. What type of eclipse happens when the moon is between the Earth and Sun.
  11. 21. During a solar eclipse, what is in the middle and casts a shadow?
  12. 22. Name for the theory of how the solar system formed(2 wds)
  13. 24. Which planet has the most rings?
  14. 25. As the distance between 2 objects increases, the gravitation force ________.
  15. 27. Who wrote 3 laws that describe how planets orbit the sun?
  16. 28. Who said gravity is a result of curved space?
  1. 1. Which phase of the moon has the smallest amount of the moon showing to us? (2 wds)
  2. 2. Which planet has the most extreme range of temperatures (high and low)?
  3. 3. Which planet has a giant storm on its surface?
  4. 7. Many very small particles orbiting the Sun between Mars and Jupiter
  5. 8. What is the name for the unit used for distances in the universe? (2 wds)
  6. 10. During a lunar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?(2 wds)
  7. 12. Which planet is 1 AU from the sun?
  8. 14. During a solar eclipse, what phase is the moon in?(2 wds)
  9. 18. Which planet takes the longest time to rotate once on its axis ("day")?
  10. 19. A space cloud made of gas and dust.
  11. 20. Cosmic snowballs of frozen gasses, rock, and dust that orbit the Sun
  12. 23. When planets move closer to the sun while orbiting, this happens to their speed.
  13. 26. Who describes gravity as a force that attracts?