Solar System Review

  1. 3. All of space and everything in it
  2. 7. a small, rocky body that travels through space
  3. 13. a spherical region that surrounds the solar system and contains billions of comets
  4. 14. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
  5. 15. A model of the universe in which Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars.
  6. 19. to spin on an axis
  7. 21. the sun and all of the planets and other bodies that travel around it
  8. 23. Second-largest planet in Solar System; large ring systemq
  9. 25. A force of attraction between objects that is due to their masses, and that increases in proportion to their masses
  10. 27. Rings, the Great Red Spot, and many moons.
  1. 1. A meteoroid that passes through the atmosphere and hits Earth's surface.
  2. 2. A model of the solar system in which Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun
  3. 4. "Earth's Twin," except for the enormous air pressure and toxic atmosphere
  4. 5. any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter)
  5. 6. Seventh planet out from the Sun
  6. 8. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
  7. 9. Planet, 1930-2006
  8. 10. A region of the solar system that is just beyond the orbit of Neptune and that contains small bodies made mostly of ice
  9. 11. Closest planet to the Sun
  10. 12. A collection of stars, dust, and gas bound together by gravity
  11. 16. "The Red Planet," with four moons and an iron-rich crust
  12. 17. A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere.
  13. 18. Dwarf planet found in the Asteroid Belt
  14. 20. A loose collection of ice and dust that orbits the sun, typically in a long, narrow orbit.
  15. 22. Collection of asteroids and other debris located between Mars and Jupiter
  16. 24. to move around another object in a circular path
  17. 26. Farthest-out major planet