Solar System Review Crossword

  1. 3. The Earth __________ on its axis. This causes day and night.
  2. 5. Hottest Planet
  3. 7. These are called the inner planets because they are small and rocky. They are also called _______________ planets
  4. 9. Smallest Planet
  5. 10. Planet that is able to be liveable
  6. 11. Giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called ___________________________.
  7. 12. Heliocentric means that are solar system is _____ centered
  1. 1. divides the inner planets from the outer planets.
  2. 2. All planets ___________ around the sun.
  3. 3. How long it takes a planet to go around the sun.
  4. 4. is the biggest Planet
  5. 6. This planet is the furtherest away
  6. 8. This planet spin on its side and also has rings.
  7. 11. Centries ago scientists believed that the Earth was the centered if the solar system this is called ________________________.