- 2. Dark, flat areas on the moon, formed from lava flows that occurred billions of years ago.
- 4. The largest planet in our solar system.
- 6. An object with gravity so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it.
- 8. An object that orbits the sun and has enough gravity to be spherical, but has not cleared the area of its orbit.
- 9. The correct model of the solar system.
- 12. Loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocks that orbit the sun.
- 14. A region of the solar system between Mars and Jupiter made up of small objects in space.
- 15. Consists of the sun, the planets, their moons, and a variety of smaller objects.
- 18. Characteristics used to classify stars include color, temperature, size, composition, and what?
- 20. The planet tilted on its axis, likely due to an ancient collision.
- 21. The force that attracts all objects toward each other.
- 23. Areas of gas on the sun's surface that are cooler than the gases around them.
- 25. Earth's "twin".
- 1. Called the "red planet".
- 2. Closest planet to the Sun.
- 3. When a supergiant star runs out of fuel, it can explode and form a what?
- 5. A dry and airless rock that orbits the Earth and reflects light from the sun.
- 7. Another name for the inner planets that have rocky surfaces.
- 10. Large round pits on the moon.
- 11. Farthest planet from the sun and known for its bright blue color.
- 13. Beyond Neptune's orbit and composed of thousands of rock particles, ice, dust, and dwarf planets.
- 15. Gas eruptions into space from the surface of the Sun.
- 16. Chunks of rock or dust from space that collide with the moon.
- 17. The nickname given to the outer planets that do not have a solid surface.
- 19. The star located at the center of our solar system.
- 22. The only planet in our solar system to have life.
- 24. Has at least 62 moons, icy rocks, and dust that make up a large ring that circles the planet.