SoLaR sYsTeM wOo

  1. 3. Earth's "twin"
  2. 4. A gas giant with vertical rings
  3. 7. The glowing head of a comet.
  4. 10. A meteoroid that reaches Earth's surface
  5. 11. The beginning formation of planets caused by bits of matter colliding and clumping together.
  6. 15. _________ planets formed from metals and silicate minerals that can withstand the heat of the sun.
  7. 17. Jovian planets are _______ giants.
  1. 1. This planet was reclassified as a dwarf planet.
  2. 2. The second hottest terrestrial planet
  3. 5. Jupiter's great red spot is a ___________.
  4. 6. Rocky and metallic material held together by frozen gasses.
  5. 8. Planets make an ___________ orbit around the Sun.
  6. 9. Contrary to popular belief, all of the Jovian planets have _______, not just Saturn and Uranus.
  7. 12. Mercury has no __________ and is very close to the sun making it very hot.
  8. 13. Recent impact craters on the moon were likely caused by ________.
  9. 14. The diameter of _________ planets are much greater than terrestrial planets.
  10. 16. Terrestrial planets are ________ and Earth-like.