Solar System

  1. 2. the planet with a hot surface and most like Earth in size
  2. 3. planet closest to the sun
  3. 5. dust particles, frozen water, methane, ammonia
  4. 6. property of water most important for living organisms
  5. 7. the model of the solar system with the sun in the middle
  6. 10. Roman god of the sea
  7. 12. the planet with the highest temperature
  8. 13. huge cloud of gas and dust from which stars are formed
  9. 15. one of the elements that make up the sun
  10. 17. the moon is closest to this planet
  11. 18. the asteroid belt occurs between these two planets
  12. 20. the planet that contains oceans and ice caps
  1. 1. the reason the earth has tides
  2. 3. planet likely to be visited by humans in future
  3. 4. the sun appears to move across the sky due to earth's ____
  4. 8. light blue planet named for the Roman god of the sea
  5. 9. the phase of the moon during which a lunar eclipse occurs
  6. 11. the phase of the moon when it cannot be seen
  7. 14. what makes Earth unique compared to other planets
  8. 16. a light year is a measurement of _______
  9. 19. what Earth's rotations cause