
  1. 3. ................. dust is dust which exists in space.
  2. 5. A ............ is a large rocky body orbiting the sun.
  3. 7. The Earth has …………. moon.
  4. 9. This dwarf planet was considered as a planet
  5. 11. A celestial body that orbits the sun or a planet
  6. 13. 24 hours make a ....... on the earth
  7. 16. The solar-system is found in the …………. part of the Milky Way galaxy
  8. 17. If half of the earth is day the other half would be …………
  9. 18. The smallest planet in our solar-system and orbits the sun in 88 days
  10. 19. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are called the …………… planets because they have solid , rocky surfaces.
  11. 20. A planet that is found between the orbit of Mercury and Earth
  12. 23. An optical instrument with a lens for each eye, used for viewing distant objects.
  13. 25. Our home planet is a called …………………………
  14. 26. A rock that is floats in space is a .........
  15. 29. Our solar system is the …………… one
  16. 30. The sun is a …………..
  17. 33. These fixed luminous points in the night sky are thought to be twinkling
  18. 35. This planet is the sister ice giant to Uranus.
  19. 36. This planet is known as the red planet.
  20. 37. Puerto Rico has the largest .......... telescope.
  21. 38. Uranus and Neptune are known as …… giants.
  1. 1. A planet rotates on its .........
  2. 2. belt A disc-shaped belt found beyond the orbit of Neptune.
  3. 4. A well-known dwarf planet is called C……….
  4. 6. A device that is used observe celestial bodies
  5. 8. A well-known asteroid is ………
  6. 10. the ………………. is made up of billions of galaxies.
  7. 12. belt A belt made up of asteroids ad is found between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter
  8. 13. A fine powder consisting of tiny particles found in Space.
  9. 14. A celestial body that can be found in the Kuiper belt and is made up of dust and ice.
  10. 15. The 7th planet from the sun.
  11. 17. He is thought to be the first man on the moon.
  12. 21. How many planets are there in the solar system
  13. 22. The closest celestial body to the earth.
  14. 24. Jupiter and Saturn are known as ………. giants.
  15. 27. The earth ……………. around the sun that’s why we have day and night.
  16. 28. The Sun is made up of …………..(About 70%) and helium (about 28%)
  17. 31. A planet with a ring
  18. 32. The largest celestial body in our solar-system
  19. 34. probe A ………………… travels through space and collects information (MAN MADE SATELLITE)