Solar System

  1. 9. It’s the rotation of Venus
  2. 10. celestial bodies or of the satellites that turn around a planet
  3. 11. colore delle atmosfere di Urano e Nettuno
  4. 14. is the ratio between mass and volume
  5. 15. This part of the comet forms when the comet passes by the sun
  6. 16. area circolare che si forma a causa di un impatto
  7. 19. fino a qualche anno fa era consierato un pianeta
  8. 20. fascia esterna delm sistema solare, formata da piccoli oggetti solidi
  9. 23. acqua allo stato solido
  10. 24. It’s the chemical compound most present in the atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune.
  11. 25. parte della cometa osservate quando si avvicinano al Sole
  12. 26. It’s the color of the atmosphere of Uranus and Neptune.
  13. 27. a circular or an almost circular area having a depressed floor.
  14. 28. A space flight technique that uses the severity of a planet to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft.
  1. 1. Is a persistent high pressure zone.
  2. 2. corpi celesti primordiali che scontrandosi danno origine ai pianeti
  3. 3. Is made up of small bodies, is located in the outer edge of the solar system
  4. 4. until a few years ago it was considered a planet
  5. 5. It is the Earth plaque movement.
  6. 6. Clouds that consist mostly of hydrogen and helium and other elements;
  7. 7. made of rocks and ice they are a circle turn around the planet
  8. 8. perturbazione molto grande nell'atmosfera di Giove
  9. 12. celestial bodies that collide among them forming planets
  10. 13. Water is in a solid state.
  11. 17. Is the color of the Martian surface
  12. 18. a layer of gases surrounding a planet .
  13. 21. il gas più abbondante nell'atmosfera di Urano e Nettuno
  14. 22. rocce e ghiaccio che orbitano attorno ai pianeti gioviani formano ......