Solar System

  1. 2. Asteroid that has its own moon
  2. 3. Planet that is the giant of the solar system
  3. 4. 7 of the planets……around the sun
  4. 8. First person that stepped on the moon
  5. 11. Romans called the moon ....
  6. 12. Planet that has 21% of oxygen
  7. 13. One of Mars moons
  8. 15. Planet that is the brightest
  9. 16. Largest object in the solar system
  10. 18. Number of dwarf planets in the solar system
  11. 19. One of the planets that cannot be seen without using a telescope
  1. 1. Space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found
  2. 2. Type of planets that are made out of mostly rock and metal
  3. 5. Type of planets that are made out of much larger and made mostly of hydrogen, helium and other gases.
  4. 6. Moon of Jupiter
  5. 7. Number of planets in the solar system
  6. 9. Planet that is closest to the sun
  7. 10. Planet that was discovered in 1946
  8. 14. Planet that is surrounded by rings which may be composed by ice
  9. 17. Former planet that is no longer a planet