Solid, Liquid & Gas

  1. 1. A liquid’s resistance to flowing.
  2. 3. The particles are not arranged in a regular pattern.
  3. 4. Solids that are made up of crystals.
  4. 6. Occurs when the surface particles of a solid gain enough energy they form from a gas.
  5. 10. Vaporization that takes place only on the surface of a liquid.
  6. 12. Has a definite volume but no shape of its own.
  7. 13. The change of state from a liquid to a solid.
  8. 14. The change in state from gas to a liquid.
  1. 2. An inward force, or pull, among the molecules in a liquid that brings the molecules on the surface closer together.
  2. 5. Vaporization that takes place both below and at the surface of a liquid.
  3. 7. The change in state from a solid to a liquid.
  4. 8. Has a definite shape and definite volume.
  5. 9. Has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
  6. 11. The change from liquid to gas.