
  1. 2. the highest point of something
  2. 3. a single 3D object made up of features
  3. 8. Graphics area were you draw and make graphics in a area
  4. 9. A base is the first solid feature of a part boss.
  5. 11. flat construction geometry
  6. 13. to move or remove; to drive away or carry by a steady force
  7. 14. to cut something
  8. 15. 3D solid geometry in a part or assembly
  9. 16. is a geometric relationship, such as coincident,
  10. 17. a feature tool that hollows out a part, leaving open
  11. 18. an upper story converted or adapted to any of various uses
  12. 20. the first stage
  1. 1. to cut something
  2. 4. straight line that can be used to create model geometry
  3. 5. a line or border
  4. 6. the projection of a vector quantity
  5. 7. a selectable area
  6. 10. creating a rounded surface
  7. 12. a document in which parts, features, and other assemblies
  8. 14. a beveled from a face or edge
  9. 19. a straight sketch entity with two endpoints