Solubility Terminology

  1. 2. positive after a break-up
  2. 3. a substance capable of dissolving IN another
  3. 4. the sad process of breaking up due to another factor, maybe a liquid
  4. 6. the number of furry little creatures in a given amount of space or liquid
  5. 7. separation into ions potentially due to an electrical discharge
  6. 9. electrical conductor found in Gatorade and chocolate milk
  7. 10. the level at which one substance can dissolve in another
  8. 11. still having room for more solute in a solvent
  9. 14. opposite of covalent
  10. 15. to be able TO dissolve another substance
  1. 1. the answer to a problem
  2. 2. the ability to allow a charge to pass through
  3. 3. to be so full at taking in anymore would cause an unstable state
  4. 5. not on the atomic level, but the ________ level
  5. 8. Zn(aq) + S (aq) -> ZnS(s), what is ZnS(s)?
  6. 12. to be able to dissolve
  7. 13. negative after a break-up