
  1. 3. Different versions of a gene
  2. 7. A characteristic
  3. 9. The field of biology that studies how genes control appearance
  4. 11. Two different alleles for a trait
  5. 13. All of the individuals born at the same time
  6. 14. The physical appearance of a living thing
  1. 1. Region of DNA where instructions for a trait are kept
  2. 2. The genetic makeup of two alleles that control the phenotype
  3. 4. The trait that is visible because it blocks another
  4. 5. The carrier of genetic information
  5. 6. The trait that is hidden because it gets blocked
  6. 8. Two copies of the same allele
  7. 10. The long molecules of DNA that hold genes
  8. 12. A scientist who experimented with pea plants