Some Dumb Things

  1. 1. Kids Singing Other Singer Songs.
  2. 3. UTTP Leader
  3. 5. Pokemon Bot
  4. 6. A Group of pink hackers
  5. 10. Hi Dad, is me
  6. 12. Chaz alt
  7. 13. I hate GF(Answer is in the sentence)
  8. 14. "Scary" Game
  9. 16. "Scary" Community Manager
  10. 19. The answer here is trash
  11. 20. "Piggy Dev"
  12. 22. Somebody is a __________ man
  13. 24. Chris Sister
  14. 25. Piggy is based of
  15. 26. "Lazy Scary Dev"
  16. 27. No Super, I am not liking Hero Game
  17. 31. Nobody Likes This Guys for being H
  18. 33. Roblox Online ______
  19. 34. A "NORMAL" Teacher
  20. 38. Snowman first fake name
  21. 39. This videogame sucks
  22. 40. Snowman second fake name
  23. 41. Idiot president
  24. 42. Fake Roblox Games
  1. 2. I have free robux visit ...
  2. 4. Another idiot Piggy game
  3. 5. Intercity more like
  4. 7. Rene made this
  5. 8. Idiot Horror Youtuber
  6. 9. "Scary" Admin
  7. 11. "Scary" Game But Is Not An Elevator
  8. 14. SnoeCrep is one of his fake names
  9. 15. Worst Roblox Youtuber
  10. 17. Hannah is the leader
  11. 18. The Fake Alts Dev
  12. 20. Level Up BOT
  13. 21. "Scares" Elevator
  14. 23. Level Up BOT Too
  15. 28. An Idiot that thinks he is better
  16. 29. "Mini Toon Made This"
  17. 30. "Scary Developer"
  18. 32. Cocomelon Is The Answer
  19. 35. Midnight Horrors
  20. 36. Roblox Stichtface
  21. 37. He is now nice, right?