All About Us

  1. 2. Our families did this together during COVID
  2. 5. where we all met
  3. 8. Competition in a far away land (2 words)
  4. 10. You are always the 2 top sellers of these yummy treats
  5. 11. where you danced together (2 words)
  6. 13. Emerson - Sunburn = ______
  7. 15. We rocked this winter event and won twice (2 words)
  8. 16. Finish the sentence: Can we have a _________\
  9. 18. gogo juice for the moms
  10. 19. Hillary and Noha's place to visit in Atlanta
  11. 20. you are experts at this hot activity
  1. 1. 2 weeks of fun away from the parents (3 words)
  2. 3. Troop 2534 (2 words)
  3. 4. Emerson is the queen at this beautification activity
  4. 6. What is requested the most for dinner at our house (3 words)
  5. 7. How Henry greets Mike (2 words)
  6. 9. a tasty pastime at our house
  7. 12. your first elementary school
  8. 13. camping deliciousness
  9. 14. Our unofficial girl scout member
  10. 17. torture/I mean fun Hillary and I had to watch hours of
  11. 18. we did it in the winter and the summer