Sophie's Shower

  1. 3. Brian's best man
  2. 5. Where Sophie studied abroad
  3. 7. Sophie's favorite pattern
  4. 11. Sophie’s college major
  5. 12. Sophie's favorite beverage
  6. 13. Honeymoon location
  7. 15. Sophie's family pet
  8. 16. Sophie’s college major
  9. 19. Where Sophie and Brian met
  10. 20. Brian's middle name
  11. 21. Sophie’s workplace
  12. 22. Total months of their engagement
  13. 23. Sophie's eye color
  1. 1. Sophie and Brian’s college mascot
  2. 2. Brian's favorite beverage
  3. 4. Sophie’s high school mascot
  4. 6. Sophie’s high school
  5. 8. Brian’s sport of choice (circa 2010)
  6. 9. Sophie’s favorite TV channel
  7. 10. Brian’s hometown
  8. 14. Where Sophie and Brian currently live
  9. 17. Wedding location
  10. 18. Sophie and Brian's wedding month
  11. 22. Nickname of Sophie’s first car