so..that.. / /

  1. 1. Peter drove ... enough for us to look at the house.
  2. 2. The ... is too long to walk alone.
  3. 5. The ... is too hot to drink.
  4. 7. This car is too ... for us to buy.
  5. 9. Peter is too ... to become a police officer.
  6. 10. Jessica makes so many cupcakes ... she can bring them to her group.
  7. 11. Budi is old enough to get a ... licence.
  8. 12. He ran so fast that ... could pass him.
  9. 13. That mango tree is ... old to give fruits.
  10. 14. He was so ... that he made many mistakes.
  11. 16. Do you have ... money for your vacation?
  12. 17. I am too sleepy to ... well.
  1. 1. The ... studied carefully enough to do well on the exam.
  2. 2. My brother is too brave to ... the motorcycle alone.
  3. 3. The ... were too difficult for me to answer.
  4. 4. He is not patient enough to understand ...
  5. 5. John is so tired that he ... study.
  6. 6. Ani is too ... to run fast.
  7. 8. I’m afraid we don’t have enough ... to make the dessert.
  8. 15. The book is so expensive for me that I can’t ...