
  1. 3. I have experienced the ___ when an ambulance came into our neighborhood.
  2. 4. I am able to hear the natural frequency of the ___.
  3. 6. The __ of the rock concert gave me a seriously bad headache.
  4. 11. Water has a lower ___ then oil, because oil will sit on top.
  5. 12. The__ responds to vibrations and sends messages to the auditory nerve.
  6. 13. When listening to ___ I feel relaxed by the nice sounds.
  7. 15. Your ___ starts the vibrations that continue through your ear to the anvil, hammer, and stirrup.
  8. 16. A jet plane engine hits about 320 ___.
  1. 1. A __ is a picture that is produced by an ultrasound.
  2. 2. Dolphins and Bats use __ to find their way.
  3. 5. The ___ have lowest natural frequency of a standing wave.
  4. 7. Sound funnels through the ___ on its way to vibrate the ear drum.
  5. 8. ___ is a techniques to measure distances on the ocean floor.
  6. 9. The ___ of the music increased as I got closer to the speakers.
  7. 10. Female singers tend to have a higher ___ then male singers.
  8. 14. Pregnant woman are able to see their babies in their bellies with the use of ____ technology.