Sound Energy

  1. 3. Change in frequency of a wave as its source moves in relation to an observer
  2. 6. Voice box
  3. 7. Narrow region of ear that leads from the outside of the human ear to the eardrum
  4. 12. Sound waves with frequencies above the normal human range of hearing
  5. 13. Part of ear that is fluid filled cavity shaped like a snail shell
  6. 15. Part of ear that is small, tightly stretched, drumlike membrane
  7. 17. Sound waves with frequencies below the normal human range of hearing
  1. 1. Ability of material to bounce back after being disturbed
  2. 2. Describes your perception of the energy of a sound
  3. 4. The usage of reflected sound waves to determine distances or to locate objects
  4. 5. Unit that measures the loudness of different sounds
  5. 8. System that uses reflected sound waves to detect and locate objects underwater
  6. 9. Describes how high or low a sound seems to a person
  7. 10. Device that uses reflected ultrasound waves to create a picture
  8. 11. Amount of energy a sound wave carries per second through a unit area
  9. 14. Reflected sound wave
  10. 16. How much matter, or mass, there is in a given amount of space