Sources of Law

  1. 2. The party who defends action in a criminal case
  2. 7. A person is presumed to be ........... until proven ...............
  3. 8. Takes action on behalf of the state
  4. 9. Governs relationship between individuals and the State
  5. 10. Purpose of civil law is to ........ the plaintiff for loss caused by defendant’s breach
  6. 13. Purpose of criminal law is to ............ an accused for a wrongdoing/ criminal act
  7. 14. A person is presumed to be ............. until proven ...............
  1. 1. If the plaintiff is successful, the defendant will be found ...........
  2. 3. "Law is a ......... by a superior being to an inferior being" - John Austin
  3. 4. Also known as monetary compensation
  4. 5. An equitable remedy
  5. 6. Also known as civil law
  6. 11. The party who takes action
  7. 12. Known as the Rule of ............ to address the shortcomings of the common law system