South East,Paolo Forcellini Arevalo

  1. 3. Diverse in terms of its physical geography
  2. 4. climated of mongolia
  3. 5. Major religion in India
  4. 8. counties with lowest elevation
  5. 9. Asia have only a limited economic activity
  6. 10. countries with higest elevation
  7. 12. common used
  8. 13. Types of Buddhism in south east Asia
  9. 14. climated islands of southeast
  10. 15. Cities of china have more than 2 millions inhabitants
  11. 16. Country borders Indian,china,laos and Thailand
  1. 1. on the border of the eaquator and inside
  2. 2. Two more popular countries
  3. 6. country to mine silver
  4. 7. Countries landlocked of south Asian
  5. 11. Country that has two names