South Korea Crossword

  1. 3. The capital city of South Korea
  2. 5. _____ is highly valued among the children of South Korea
  3. 7. Palace is the legal residence to the Royal family during the Joseon Dynasty
  4. 8. South Korea has the _____ birthrate in the world
  5. 11. The traditional food of South Korea
  6. 13. Most korean food is
  1. 1. Most children learn this sport
  2. 2. The ____ is made up of 300 people
  3. 4. The South Korean alphabet is called the
  4. 6. South Korea is a ____ country
  5. 9. The South Korean currency is called the
  6. 10. South Korea cloned the first dog which went by the name of ____.
  7. 11. Come during the month of July and provide half of the years rain
  8. 12. Mount Halasan is the ___ peak in South Korea