South Korea & Taiwan Developent

  1. 3. South Korea's rapid economic growth became known as the "Miracle on the ___ _____"
  2. 7. The most conspicuous social change in South Korea was the emergence of this
  3. 10. Campaigned for legal equality and property ownership rights in S. Korea
  4. 12. Taiwanese industry which produces plastics, drugs, and other synthetic oil-based products
  5. 16. Today accounts for a tiny part of Taiwan's economy as trees have been depleted
  6. 18. Joining this organization in 2002 gave Taiwan access to cheaper agricultural products
  7. 20. South Korean economic and social transformation began after this event
  8. 21. South Korea had to accept one of these in 1997, $57 billion
  9. 22. Landholding class which disappeared in South Korea as economy developed
  10. 23. South Korean which grew tenfold after WWII
  1. 1. Taiwan's economy continued to prosper during East Asian _____ Crisis of 1997
  2. 2. In the 1980s Taiwan moved toward _____-based industries
  3. 4. Experienced in Taiwan in 2001
  4. 5. Zones in Taiwan in which foreign countries establish factories
  5. 6. Began to decrease in South Korea in the early 21st century
  6. 8. Taiwan depends heavily on importing this type of energy source
  7. 9. South Korean family register system in which women can register as head of household
  8. 11. By the 1980s, Taiwan was one of the world's largest producers of these
  9. 12. This doubled in South Korea between the Korean War and beginning of 21st century.
  10. 13. Organization providing financial aid to South Korea in 1997
  11. 14. Term used to describe network of transporation systems
  12. 15. Preceded Taiwan's economic boom of 1960s
  13. 17. Taiwan's most valuable crop
  14. 19. South Korea's 1950s economy based on agriculture