South Korean Development

  1. 2. South Korean multinational company
  2. 4. A type of light-emitting technology mostly used in device screens
  3. 6. Korean tutoring academies
  4. 8. Refers to the economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan
  5. 10. A Korean dish of marinated and grilled meat
  6. 12. a marketing strategy where companies "copy" the designs of their competitors
  7. 13. A type of light-emitting technology
  8. 15. A Korean dish of salted and fermented vegetables
  9. 16. Large ships that carry exports and imports
  10. 18. Car manufacturer
  11. 19. Pop music created or performed by Korean idols and bands
  12. 20. Economic policy aiming to speed up the industrialization process of a country by exporting goods
  1. 1. The area between North and South Korea where milatary activity is prohibited
  2. 3. Large family owned business
  3. 5. South Korean multinational company, now known as LG
  4. 7. Large electrical appliances used domestically such as refrigerators and washing machines
  5. 9. A persuasive approach to international relations
  6. 11. Phone manufacturer
  7. 14. A company that quickly imitates the innovations of competitors
  8. 15. Car manufacturer
  9. 17. Competitive video gaming