Southeast Asia

  1. 2. Country where the "Long-necked Women" live, formerly known as Burma.
  2. 3. Country on the eastern side of Southeast Asia, where a war took place in the 1960s
  3. 5. Main agricultural product in Southeast Asia, often grown on terraces.
  4. 6. Poorest country in Southeast Asia (south of China, west of Vietnam)
  5. 7. Buddhist country south and east of Myanmar
  6. 10. Endangered animal in Indonesia
  7. 11. Geographic features found in many Asian countries
  8. 12. Ankor Wat is its most famous site.
  1. 1. Type of government in Vietnam and Cambodia
  2. 2. Islamic country southwest of Thailand.
  3. 4. Small island country on the tip of Malaysia
  4. 8. Where the Komodo Dragon is from.
  5. 9. Major river running through Vietnam and Cambodia