Southern and West Central Europe chapters 13 and 14

  1. 3. seaport on the Elbe River in northwestern Germany
  2. 7. mountain range along the border of France and Spain
  3. 9. the period of time from the collapse of the Roman Empire to about 1500
  4. 11. a form of art that developed in France in the late 1800's and early 1900's
  5. 15. bark stripped from a certain type of oak tree
  6. 17. capital of France
  7. 18. Germany's head of government or prime minister
  8. 19. a variation of a language
  9. 23. water routes that are deep enough and wide enough to be used by ships
  10. 24. capital of the Netherlands
  11. 25. fine, windblown soil that is good for farming
  12. 26. a region or country's main landmass
  13. 28. northern coastal part of Belgium where Flemish is the dominant language
  14. 29. a hot, dry wind from North Africa
  1. 1. pictures created from colored stone
  2. 2. capital of Belgium
  3. 4. the head of the Roman Catholic Church
  4. 5. cities having many foreign influences
  5. 6. French word meaning "rebirth'
  6. 8. self governing cities, such as those found in ancient Greece
  7. 10. a movement in Europe to reform Christianity in the 1500's
  8. 12. Muslim North Africans
  9. 13. the mass murder of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis in World War II
  10. 14. major city and manufacturing center in southern Germany
  11. 16. region in northwestern France
  12. 20. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  13. 21. seaport in France on the Mediterranean Sea
  14. 22. capital of Germany
  15. 24. major mountain system in south-central Europe
  16. 27. region in southern Belgium