- 2. Large body of water that lies south of India.
- 4. Country formerly known as Burma
- 6. Country between Thailand and Vietnam
- 7. Earth's highest peak is Mount _________.
- 12. Japan's northern Island
- 13. Island nation located south of Taiwan
- 16. The _____ Peninsula lies west of the Gulf of Thailand.
- 18. Body of water between Japan and the Korean Peninsula.
- 20. The countries of Indonesia and the Philippines are made of thousands of individual _______, some of which are very large.
- 21. Large country south of Nepal
- 22. Country located south of North Korea
- 24. The largest country in Southern Asia
- 27. The _________ __________ makes up most of the central area of India.
- 30. The only country located enrirely north of 40 degrees north.
- 31. Island nation east of the Korean Peninsula
- 32. River flowing through northern India.
- 33. Small country between India and China
- 34. Country located between Thailand and Vietnam
- 35. Most of the country of Mongolia is covered by the ___________.
- 1. Country that lies east of Cambodia and Laos
- 3. Small country located south of India and Bhutan
- 5. Mount Everest is located in the _________ Mountains.
- 8. Island nation south of India
- 9. Island north of the Philippines and east of China.
- 10. Tiny country located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula.
- 11. The Huang He River of China is also known as the _______ River.
- 14. Mountain range north of the Taklamakan Desert.
- 15. Large body of water that lies east of Asia.
- 17. North of the Himalaya lies the _________ __ ________ - a high eleveation south of the Taklamakan Desert.
- 19. The largest of the Greater Sunda Islands.
- 23. Myanmar's eastern neighbor
- 25. Island nation located along the equator
- 26. Country between India and China
- 28. Country located north of South Korea
- 29. The __________ Desert os located north of the Plateau of Tibet in Western China.
- 30. River flowing west of the Annam Cordillera.