
  1. 5. Which continent does South Korea belong to?
  2. 6. This tech giant originated in South Korea and is one of the world's largest consumer electronics company
  3. 7. What is the name of South Korea's traditional attire?
  4. 9. This popular automotive manufacturer was founded in South Korea
  5. 10. Which form of martial art originated in South Korea?
  1. 1. Which Korean island is also known as 'Hawaii of Korea' ?
  2. 2. Which Korean artist's song video was once the most viewed video on YouTube?
  3. 3. WHO has recognized this traditional Korean medicine as valid medicine
  4. 4. Which 2019 Korean movie won the Academy Award for 'Best Picture' ?
  5. 8. What is the capital city of South Korea?
  6. 11. This genre of music originated from South Korea