Soyvivor S3: Crossed Paths 2

  1. 3. Loves raping people
  2. 6. A type of skirt
  3. 8. Is a Monster
  4. 10. Winner of S1
  5. 12. Known for 💋
  6. 13. A morning drink
  7. 14. A name for a smurf
  8. 16. Has only gotten 8th Place in Soyvivor
  9. 17. 50% Chocolate, 50% Cracker
  10. 18. 5th Last Season
  11. 19. A person who plays games
  1. 1. First Boot this Season
  2. 2. Runner-Up of S1
  3. 4. Who has the worse overall ranking?
  4. 5. Circus's Last Words
  5. 6. True or False; is Donny a Duck
  6. 7. Said a Slur
  7. 9. Name for the Ballsdex Bot
  8. 10. Who has the best overall ranking?
  9. 11. The Host!
  10. 12. Rhymes with Fella
  11. 15. Winner of S2
  12. 16. Mice love to eat
  13. 20. From Teen Titans