- 3. Loves raping people
- 6. A type of skirt
- 8. Is a Monster
- 10. Winner of S1
- 12. Known for 💋
- 13. A morning drink
- 14. A name for a smurf
- 16. Has only gotten 8th Place in Soyvivor
- 17. 50% Chocolate, 50% Cracker
- 18. 5th Last Season
- 19. A person who plays games
- 1. First Boot this Season
- 2. Runner-Up of S1
- 4. Who has the worse overall ranking?
- 5. Circus's Last Words
- 6. True or False; is Donny a Duck
- 7. Said a Slur
- 9. Name for the Ballsdex Bot
- 10. Who has the best overall ranking?
- 11. The Host!
- 12. Rhymes with Fella
- 15. Winner of S2
- 16. Mice love to eat
- 20. From Teen Titans