
  1. 4. 4/4 of a moon
  2. 5. a person who goes into space
  3. 7. a place that is rounded into a sphere
  4. 8. how the universe was made
  5. 11. a planet with rings around it
  6. 13. 1/4 of a moon
  7. 15. a planet starting with the letter U
  8. 16. a planet we have never been on
  9. 17. the planet we live on
  10. 18. a billion years in space
  11. 19. something you travel to space in
  1. 1. 2/4 or 1/2 of a moon
  2. 2. a weight in space
  3. 3. the big glowing ball in the sky
  4. 6. something you can see small things turn into big things in space
  5. 9. a star in the north
  6. 10. a black hole than is skinnier and thinner
  7. 12. the place inside of a universe
  8. 14. the largest planet in our solar system
  9. 20. a big ball of light passing by at night