
  1. 1. Russian for ‘star’; name given to the module that controls the Russian part of the Space Station
  2. 3. Collecting data and figuring out what it means, as a way of trying to understand better how things work
  3. 4. Country that makes the giant robotic arm for the Space Station
  4. 8. Name given to the Russian spaceship that brings supplies and fuel to the Space Station
  5. 9. Name given to America’s laboratory module, which also controls most of Station’s functions
  6. 14. American word for space traveler
  7. 16. Nearly gravity-free environment in which experiments are conducted on the Station
  8. 17. This American spacecraft delivers only cargo – not astronauts – to Station
  9. 18. The first American spaceship to visit Station since the Space Shuttle was retired; designed to bring people and supplies
  10. 20. An American spaceship designed to bring supplies to the Space Station
  1. 2. Special module astronauts use to exit and enter the Station for spacewalks
  2. 3. Special parts designed to unfold and release heat into the coldness of space so Station doesn’t overheat
  3. 5. What the ‘A’ stands for in the name of the European cargo spaceship
  4. 6. The first piece of the Station launched into orbit; it means ‘dawn’ in Russian
  5. 7. The module with special windows for looking at the Earth and out into space
  6. 10. What the ‘X’ stands for in JAXA (hint: it stands for the first sound of the word, not the letter it begins with)
  7. 11. The giant beam which connects the solar arrays and radiators to the rest of the Space Station
  8. 12. Place where experiments are conducted
  9. 13. The part of the Station that turns sunlight into electricity
  10. 15. Name given to Japan’s laboratory module, it means ‘hope’ in Japanese
  11. 17. The first American spaceship to visit the Space Station since the Shuttle was retired
  12. 19. Russian for ‘union’; it is the name of Russia’s spaceship that carries people to the Station and back again