
  1. 4. Closest star apart from the sun
  2. 5. Smallest moon
  3. 6. How many dwarf planet are there in our solar sysytem
  4. 9. Between Mars and Jupiter
  5. 12. First person in space
  6. 15. Hottest planet in our solar system
  7. 16. Trash in space
  8. 17. The best planet
  9. 20. Smallest dwarf planet
  10. 21. The planet that have the clearest ring
  11. 23. Location of Pluto
  12. 25. Temperature of the Sun core
  13. 26. We just learn this for Crit D
  1. 1. First person to play golf on the moon
  2. 2. Distance from neptune to sun
  3. 3. biggest star in the universe
  4. 7. Biggest galaxy
  5. 8. How Long does it take light from sun to reach earth
  6. 10. The number of ring that Saturn has
  7. 11. black thing in space
  8. 13. First man to step on the moon
  9. 14. Biggest dwarf planet
  10. 18. The first dog in space
  11. 19. Biggest moon in our solar system
  12. 22. How long it take neptune to orbit sun
  13. 24. Number of moon in our solar system