
  1. 3. a space laboratory where astronauts live and running lots of science experiments.
  2. 5. the galaxy we live within.
  3. 8. the closest planet to our Sun and the smallest planet in the Solar System.
  4. 11. Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun, the Moon becomes completely cloaked in shadow.
  5. 15. an object in the Solar System that is bigger than a comet or asteroid but smaller than a planet.
  6. 16. is a small rock travelling through space.
  7. 17. are huge groups of stars bound together by gravity.
  8. 19. a cloud of gas and dust in space.
  9. 21. spiral galaxies are disc shaped, like a CD with the bulge at the centre.
  10. 23. form when a massive star dies and is squashed down into an incredibly tiny space.
  11. 25. a natural satellite that orbits a planet.
  1. 1. a gigantic collection of stars, along with cosmic gas, dust and other stuff.
  2. 2. 14 billion years ago the entire Universe was inside a bubble thousands of times smaller than a pinhead.
  3. 4. sometimes a ‘shooting star’.
  4. 6. a unit for measuring distance (like a mile or a kilometre).
  5. 7. made up of tiny solid particles in space, sometimes called stardust.
  6. 9. also known as The Red Planet.
  7. 10. the biggest planet in our Solar System, over 100 times bigger than Earth.
  8. 12. chunks of rock and metal left over from when our Solar System formed.
  9. 13. a force that attracts all objects that have mass.
  10. 14. the path along which cosmic objects, satellites and even spacecraft travels.
  11. 18. an envelope of blisteringly hot gas surrounding the Sun.
  12. 20. our beautiful home planet; the only place in the Universe where life exists
  13. 22. made of ice, dust and rock, so they are sometimes called “dirty snowballs”.
  14. 24. a layer of gases surrounding a planet or a moon.