
  1. 1. planet closest to the sun
  2. 2. planet that is tilted on it's side
  3. 6. one trip around the sun is called a ____
  4. 13. used to measure distance in space
  5. 16. humans that go into space
  6. 17. government agency that studies space
  7. 19. name of the star in our galaxy
  8. 20. the "Great Red Spot" is a ____ on Jupiter
  9. 21. a group of stars that create a shape
  10. 22. a star with orbiting planets
  11. 26. invisible force that keeps humans on earth
  12. 27. humans live here
  13. 28. ball of rock that orbits a planet
  1. 1. also called the "red planet"
  2. 3. travel through space and send information back to Earth
  3. 4. astronauts use these to go to space
  4. 5. name of our galaxy
  5. 7. a supernova is the ____ of a star
  6. 8. life forms from other planets
  7. 9. biggest planet in the solar system
  8. 10. dwarf planet in our solar system
  9. 11. hottest planet in the solar system
  10. 12. has rings around it
  11. 14. balls of frozen gas/rock that orbit the Sun
  12. 15. planets ___ the sun
  13. 18. light shows in the sky by south/north poles
  14. 22. big balls of gas that create light and heat
  15. 23. number of planets in our solar system
  16. 24. study of the universe
  17. 25. planet farthest from the sun