
  1. 2. A constellation in the form of a scorpion and is a horoscope.
  2. 4. What our galaxy is called.
  3. 7. Seventh planet from the sun.
  4. 8. All of our planets and stars make up the.
  5. 9. The closest star to earth.
  6. 10. They make up constellations.
  7. 11. The largest planet and fifth from the sun.
  8. 12. A endless void that sucks everything into it and can never escape.
  9. 14. Smallest planet and closest to the sun.
  10. 15. What the pictures of the stars are called.
  11. 16. The phases of the moon is called the.
  1. 1. A space rock that enters the earth's atmosphere.
  2. 2. When the moon passes between earth and sun it causes this.
  3. 3. The second planet from the sun.
  4. 5. A large planet with low densities.
  5. 6. When the moon moves into the earths shadow it causes this.
  6. 9. The only planet with rings.
  7. 13. When the moon appears to be fully illuminated it's called this.
  8. 17. The only planet that is known to hold life.