
  1. 2. opposite of a white whole
  2. 5. we only have it on earth it keeps us down
  3. 6. spins around other objects
  4. 7. they are all in our solar system
  5. 9. where astronauts go up to take pictures of the moon or to see what's happening up there
  6. 12. earth is in front of it
  7. 13. first quarter is in front of it
  8. 15. mars is in front of you
  9. 16. they are in the night sky
  1. 1. Saturn is in front
  2. 3. travel for a year
  3. 4. what made everything
  4. 8. its a ball in the sky at night
  5. 9. Jupiter is in front of it
  6. 10. waxing cresent is behind it
  7. 11. a thing that is everything
  8. 14. there are billions of them and we are just a little one