  1. 3. very large
  2. 5. a robot that travels to space
  3. 6. creatures that live in space
  4. 9. use to be a planet
  5. 11. the thing that brings heat
  6. 12. not a planet
  7. 13. little white speacks at night
  8. 14. gas giant
  9. 15. i kind of candy
  10. 17. bright
  1. 1. the planet we live on
  2. 2. a person who goes to space
  3. 4. a path a planet takes
  4. 7. Blue
  5. 8. Many planets have these, you cant see them
  6. 10. several moons
  7. 12. the planet closet to the sun
  8. 15. has seasons
  9. 16. many planets have these, but you may not see them