
  1. 1. A group of space objects
  2. 4. Holds everything we have and have not seen in space
  3. 5. Pilots a Spacecraft
  4. 7. Is a craft orbiting earth
  5. 13. They twinkle in the night sky
  6. 14. How blackholes die
  7. 15. Sucks in anything that gets too close
  8. 16. Orbits earth and collects information and communication
  9. 17. A ring that orbits a blackhole
  10. 18. Goes on forever
  11. 20. The opposite of darkness
  12. 21. To curve something at an angle
  13. 22. It measures somethings s___
  1. 2. Planet(s) that orbits Star(s)
  2. 3. Is a star that spins so fast, It has pulsar beam coming out of it
  3. 6. The edge of a blackhole
  4. 7. Our star
  5. 8. Used for a see close-up of space
  6. 9. For something to revolve around something else
  7. 10. Is a round Body of mass
  8. 11. Pulls everything together
  9. 12. Is the opposite of a blackhole
  10. 19. The end of the day