
  1. 1. Has super strong gravity
  2. 4. Thing made of gas and dust
  3. 6. When the Sun,Moon,And Earth are all in a line
  4. 8. One of 2 Exoplanets first discovered
  5. 11. A black hole that is about the mass of a star
  6. 13. _____ the Hunter
  7. 15. Thing that we live on
  8. 16. One of which we live in
  9. 17. Peers into space
  10. 19. An independent space travel company
  11. 22. Started our Universe
  12. 25. A capsule used to transport supplies to the ISS
  13. 27. US space Agency
  14. 29. Invisible lines connecting stars
  15. 32. Sideways Planet
  16. 34. ___________ Look through telescopes
  17. 38. A _________ is a thing that landed on Earth
  18. 40. Radio waves come from it at regular intervals
  19. 41. An orbiting body around an object
  20. 44. The death planet
  21. 45. Thing that blasts into space
  22. 48. First dwarf planet
  23. 49. Biggest man made object in space
  24. 50. Extraterrestrial
  25. 51. Planet closest to the Sun
  26. 52. Explosion that could shake Earth apart
  27. 53. A ______ shower
  28. 54. Core of liquid H that might behave like a solid
  1. 2. Wiped out the Dinosaurs
  2. 3. A star with a very strong magnetic field
  3. 5. Where life can exist in space
  4. 7. Name of our star
  5. 9. The Red Planet
  6. 10. Thing with a long tail
  7. 11. Things that always appear during the night
  8. 12. Zodiac sign in the shape of a scorpion
  9. 14. Extremely big explosion from a star
  10. 18. Made of Photons
  11. 20. North star
  12. 21. Egg shaped dwarf planet
  13. 23. Shortest name for a moon
  14. 24. Person in space
  15. 26. Planet farthest from the Sun
  16. 28. Capsule for the Soviet Space Agency
  17. 30. Planets _____ the Sun
  18. 31. Zodiac sign for most of August
  19. 33. A ______ of stars and planets
  20. 35. Goes on other planets to collect data
  21. 36. Our atmosphere is 21% ______
  22. 37. The thing that we see in our sky every night
  23. 39. "Blue Planet"
  24. 41. Planet with prettiest rings
  25. 42. Time it takes for the photons to travel
  26. 43. Closest part of the atmosphere to Earth
  27. 46. Farthest part of the atmosphere from Earth
  28. 47. Forth country to land on the moon