
  1. 3. Vehicle used to travel into space
  2. 5. All of space and everything in it
  3. 8. Bright object in the night sky
  4. 9. Path followed by a celestial body around another
  5. 11. Pertaining to the sun
  6. 12. Extraterrestrial being from another planet
  7. 15. Person who travels and explores space
  8. 16. Huge collection of stars, gas, and dust
  9. 19. Helmet-wearing space explorer
  1. 1. Icy object that leaves a trail of gas and dust
  2. 2. Optical instrument used to observe distant objects in space
  3. 4. Bowl-shaped hole on the surface of a celestial body
  4. 6. Cloud of gas and dust in space
  5. 7. Explosive death of a star
  6. 10. Vehicle designed for travel in outer space
  7. 13. Man-made object sent into space to orbit the Earth
  8. 14. Earth's natural satellite
  9. 16. Force that attracts objects towards each other
  10. 17. Bright streak of light in the sky caused by a burning rock
  11. 18. Heavenly body that orbits the sun