
  1. 1. System Our sun and the celestial bodies, including planets, orbiting around it.
  2. 3. Hole A region of space with intense gravitational forces, swallowing everything.
  3. 5. Patterns of stars forming imaginary shapes in the night sky.
  4. 6. The entirety of space, including galaxies, stars, and planets.
  5. 7. Optical instruments used for observing distant celestial objects.
  6. 9. Glowing clouds of gas and dust, creating beautiful cosmic landscapes.
  7. 11. Radiation High-energy particles traveling through space from various sources.
  8. 13. Vast collections of stars, planets, and cosmic wonders.
  9. 14. Small celestial bodies entering Earth's atmosphere, creating streaks of light.
  1. 1. Artificial objects orbiting Earth or other celestial bodies.
  2. 2. Icy bodies with tails, traveling through space in elliptical orbits.
  3. 4. Rocky bodies orbiting the sun, smaller than planets.
  4. 8. Exploration The journey and discovery of outer space, conducted by spacecraft.
  5. 10. Planets located outside our solar system, orbiting other stars.
  6. 12. Station Habitable structures in space, serving as homes for astronauts.