
  1. 3. the stage after main sequence for a small to medium mass star; fuel begins to run out
  2. 6. an extremely bright explosion of a star
  3. 8. No reflected light from the sun is visible
  4. 9. Occurs directly after a third/last quarter, but before a new moon
  5. 10. Occurs directly after a new moon, but before a first quarter
  6. 11. A full moon is fully visible (100% illuminated) as viewed from Earth
  7. 15. Occurs directly after a first quarter, but before a full moon
  8. 16. a star that is among the most massive and brightest of all stars
  9. 17. a young star in the early stages of formation; nuclear fusion begins (light and heat produced)
  10. 18. 90% of stars are in this stage of their life cycle
  1. 1. Occurs directly after a waning gibbous, but before a waning crescent
  2. 2. a star that has exhausted all of its nuclear fuel; planet sized and very dense
  3. 4. a dead star that no longer gives off light or heat
  4. 5. a gravitational field so strong that not even light can escape
  5. 7. a ring-shaped nebula formed by an expanding shell of gas around an aging star
  6. 8. the extremely dense remains of a dead star; very small and very dense
  7. 9. Occurs directly after a full moon, but before a third/last quarter
  8. 12. a huge cloud of dust and gas held together by gravity; star nursery
  9. 13. Occurs directly after a waxing crescent, but before a waxing gibbous
  10. 14. the distance light travels in a year – about 5.88 trillion miles