space by chanel

  1. 2. noone has ever been on marshot the sun is verry hot
  2. 5. jupiter has sixeen moons
  3. 7. uranus is the farthest from the sun
  4. 9. the earth is the third planet from the sun
  5. 10. the earth rotates slowly
  6. 12. the sun can blined you
  7. 13. mercury had 18 moons
  1. 1. giant jupiter is called a gas giant
  2. 3. earth is the safest place for humans
  3. 4. mecury is the closest to the sun
  4. 5. the sun is a star
  5. 6. a meteoroid goes 25km per second
  6. 8. earth has a high gravity level
  7. 11. the most visiable rings