space by stacey

  1. 1. The sun is just one of about 100 ______ stars in our galaxy
  2. 4. this planet is blue and green
  3. 5. ______ is the smallest planet
  4. 7. the milkley way is a ______
  5. 9. the name for people who travel to the moon is called _____
  6. 11. astornauts wear ______ to keep themselfs warm while there in space
  7. 12. _______ is the only planet visable on earth
  1. 2. ______ is cold
  2. 3. ____ is a red planet that is also made out of rock
  3. 6. it takes the sun 24 _____ for a complete turn
  4. 8. it takes the sun six hudrend and fordy five days for a _______ turn around the earth
  5. 10. the sun is a ______
  6. 13. _____ is the biggest star