Space Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. along distance that contains millios of meters
  2. 2. when an object moves around another object
  3. 3. Large planets that contain hydrogen and helium
  4. 5. center of the earth
  5. 8. when an planet orbits ouside of the astroid belt
  6. 10. where meteors are
  7. 12. collection of eight planets and there moons
  8. 13. planet a planet that orbits inside the astroid belt
  1. 1. mixture of gases that siround the earth
  2. 4. center where the sun is
  3. 6. when the moon passes between the earth and sun
  4. 7. a large ball in space
  5. 9. planets planets with a bumpy surface
  6. 11. the force that brings us down when we jump in the air and fall back down