Space Crossword - use the clues to put words in the boxes

  1. 3. Jupiter and Saturn are made of this
  2. 5. Comes out at night
  3. 8. Ice giant with 27 moons
  4. 10. The Earth spins on one of these
  5. 11. Used to view the moon
  6. 12. Twinkles in the sky
  7. 14. Planet with rings
  8. 16. Planet closest to the sun
  9. 17. There are eight of these and one dwarf planet
  10. 18. The largest planet
  11. 20. Planet we live on
  1. 1. Second from the sun
  2. 2. Dwarf planet
  3. 4. Flies through space and could hit the planets
  4. 6. The red planet
  5. 7. Person who explores space
  6. 9. Ice giant with 14 moons
  7. 13. Planets revolve around this
  8. 15. Keeps us on the ground
  9. 19. Blasts off into space