SPACE Crossword

  1. 1. The solar wind causes parts of the comet to vaporize and pushes them off the comet's surface. This forms the _______ of the comet.(p.203-204)
  2. 4. The tilted planet. (p.201)
  3. 8. The circular path of one object around another object. An object revolving around another object. (p.172)
  4. 14. The red planet. (p.199)
  5. 15. In 1977, the ___________ 1 and 2, left Earth on a mission to observe and study the four outer planets. They continue to travel beyond these planets, and they contain pictures, songs, and stories about people on Earth. (p.227)
  6. 16. The distance of 9.5 trillion, is the distance that light travels in one year is called a _______________ (make it one word). (p.175)
  7. 19. Chunks of loosely held rock and ice that come from the outer parts of the solar system. (p.203-204)
  8. 21. Astronomers call Earth's position in the solar system the "____________" zone. (p.186)
  9. 23. The giant planet. (p.201)
  10. 24. Green plants need sunlight for _____________________. (p.187)
  11. 26. Everything that exists. Stars, planets, all matter, and the empty space surrounding them. (p.172)
  12. 28. This is Canada's main contribution to the ISS. It has helped build and maintain the ISS. It can be controlled by astronauts form inside the ISS. (p.212)
  13. 30. The correct order of the ______ planets is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. (p.200)
  14. 32. The turning of an object around an imaginary axis running through it. Earth's rotation around its axis takes 24 hours. Refer to diagram. (p.416)
  15. 34. The hottest planet. (p.199)
  16. 36. An example of a ________ planet is Pluto. This object is larger than an asteroid but smaller than a planet. This object does NOT dominate its orbit.(p.202)
  17. 37. A collection of many billions of stars, plus gas and dust held together by gravity. (p.173)
  18. 38. The ringed planet. (p.201)
  19. 39. This satellite helps track asteroids that could possibly collide with the Earth. It also keeps an eye on other satellites to prevent collisions. (p.211)
  1. 2. A _______ eclipse occurs when Earth moves directly between the Sun and the Moon. (p.191)
  2. 3. The Moon has _ _ _ _ phases. The first quarter, full moon, last quarter, and new Moon. (p.188)
  3. 5. The four outer planets are large and have __________ around them. (p.200)
  4. 6. A _______ eclipse is when the Moon moves directly between the Sun and the Earth. (p.190)
  5. 7. This country provides astronauts, robots, telescopes, and financial support for space exploration. (p.210-213)
  6. 9. The Sun is about FIVE __________ years old. (p.184)
  7. 10. The living planet. (p.199)
  8. 11. Any part of a meteoroid that lands on Earth.(p.203)
  9. 12. The _____________ unit is a measurement equal to the distance between the Sun and Earth. About 150 million km! (p.174)
  10. 13. This star is used to tell direction, and is located in the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor. Another name for this star is the North Star. (p.170-171)
  11. 17. The Sun is made up mostly of _____________. (p.184)
  12. 18. The _______ revolves (orbits) around the Earth, and reflects the light of the Sun.(p.188)
  13. 20. The Smallest planet. (p.199)
  14. 22. A rocky object, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, that orbits the Sun. (p.202)
  15. 25. The four inner planets are small and _____________.(p.198)
  16. 27. The correct order of the ______ planets is Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. (p.198)
  17. 29. The Earth is located in the ___________ Way galaxy. (p.173)
  18. 31. The life expectancy of the Sun is about _ _ _ billion years.(p.184)
  19. 33. The deep blue planet. (p.201)
  20. 35. This object orbits one or more stars, is spherical, and does not share its orbit with another object. (p.415)
  21. 38. A massive ball of superheated gases that radiates heat and light. (p.172)
  22. 40. The distance between the _____ and Earth is about 150 000 000 km. (p.184)