Space Crossword!

  1. 4. The study of the universe
  2. 9. A telescope that uses a lens to collect the light from an object
  3. 12. A collection of stars held together by gravity
  4. 17. A meteoroid that hits Earth’s atmosphere and burns up
  5. 19. The small group of galaxies that include our galaxy the Milky Way
  6. 20. A stream of fast moving charged particles produced by the sun
  7. 21. A graph that compares the properties of stars
  8. 28. The brightness of a star as seen from Earth
  9. 29. The phenomenon in which one celestial object moves directly in front of another celestial object
  10. 30. The average distance between Earth and the Sun
  11. 32. A meteoroid that is large enough to pass through Earth’s atmosphere and reach the ground without being burned up
  12. 33. An object composed of rocky material, ice, and gas
  13. 35. A telescope that uses a mirror to collect light from an object
  14. 37. A massive explosion in which the entire outer portion of a star is blown off
  15. 39. A group of planets that circle one or more stars
  16. 40. The change in frequency of a light or sound source due to its motion relative to an observer
  17. 42. The force of attraction between all masses in the universe
  18. 44. A scientist who studies astronomy
  19. 45. The event that may have triggered the expansion of the universe
  20. 46. The time it takes for an object to orbit another object
  21. 47. The theory that describes how stars and planets form
  22. 49. A star that is so dense that only neutrons can exist in its core
  23. 50. A huge collection of stars, planets, gas, and dust all held together by gravitational forces
  24. 51. A vast cloud of gas and dust
  25. 52. An optical instrument that produces a spectrum from a narrow beam of light
  26. 53. A piece of rock moving through space
  1. 1. The most abundant invisible form of matter in the universe
  2. 2. A collection of up to 50 to 1000 stars
  3. 3. A hot, condensed object at the center of a nebula
  4. 5. A small, dim, hot star
  5. 6. The monthly progression of changes in the appearance of the moon
  6. 7. A celestial body made of hot gases
  7. 8. The radiation left over from the big bang
  8. 10. The rising and falling of ocean waters as a result of the moon and Earth’s gravity
  9. 11. A narrow band of stars on the H-R diagram
  10. 13. A star’s total energy output per second
  11. 14. An artificial object or vehicle that orbits the Earth
  12. 15. A large cluster of 4 to 25 clusters of galaxies
  13. 16. A group of stars that seem to form a distinctive pattern in the sky
  14. 18. An area of strong magnetic fields on the photosphere of the sun
  15. 22. The movement of an object in the sky from east to west
  16. 23. Certain specific wavelengths within a spectrum shown as lines
  17. 24. The turning of an object around an imaginary axis running through it
  18. 25. The phenomenon in which the full moon passes into Earth’s shadow
  19. 26. A form of energy that makes up almost three quarters of the universe that increases the expansion of the universe
  20. 27. A small object that ranges in size
  21. 31. The process of energy production in which hydrogen nuclei combine to form helium nuclei
  22. 34. An object that orbits one or more stars and doesn’t share its orbit with another object
  23. 36. The phenomenon in which the shadow of the moon falls on Earth’s surface
  24. 38. Any object that exists in space
  25. 41. The surface layer of the sun
  26. 43. A way of showing days that is organized into a table or chart
  27. 48. The distance that light travels in one year