Space... Deep Space...

  1. 1. We live in this supercluster.
  2. 3. It is formed by an explosion of a star( with not a explosion too). Nothing can escape with our gravitational force.
  3. 7. Is one of the dwarf-planets in your solar system.
  4. 9. Is the most brilliant star after sun. In mountains, people can see this star on day.
  5. 11. In 2006, this planet is turned to a dwarf-planet and in 2019, this dwarf-planet is turned to a planet again.
  6. 14. Is the name of two spacecraft in interstellar space.
  7. 15. It is the most biggest moon in the solar system. It's bigger than Mercury.
  8. 17. Is the nearest galaxy of Milky Way.
  9. 18. The planet with a lot of robots, including Perseverance. In your future, this planet go to have rings.
  10. 19. It's in the center of our solar system.
  11. 22. Is one of dwarf-planets with a moon.
  12. 23. A hipotetic type of star.
  1. 2. The most volumous star in the universe.
  2. 4. This is the part of our universe we can see.
  3. 5. The most biggest planet near Earth.
  4. 6. This is one of the planets with a ring in our solar system.
  5. 8. Is a star that it is only 4.2 light years.
  6. 10. Can form a neutron star or a black hole only with a big mass star.
  7. 12. Is a system that 9 planets rotate around a star.
  8. 13. It's a rare type of neutron star. In portuguese, is called __________.
  9. 16. This area have 1 billion to 1 trillion of asteroids. Is 300 UA from the sun.
  10. 20. This is the unic planet we know with life.
  11. 21. The dwarf-planet between Mars and Jupiter.